Android 的本地設備 BluetoothAdapter(藍牙適配器)。BluetoothAdapter 允許執行基本的藍牙任務,例如啟動設備發現、查詢綁定(配對)設備的列表、使用已知 MAC 地址實例化 BluetoothDevice,創建 BluetoothServerSocket 以偵聽來自其他設備的連接請求,並啟動一個掃描藍牙設備。
Android Studio BluetoothAdapter Class(藍牙適配器類) |
Class 屬性 |
參數 |
描述 |
String |
Intent used to broadcast the change in connection state of the local Bluetooth adapter to a profile of the remote device. |
String |
Broadcast Action: The local Bluetooth adapter has finished the device discovery process. |
String |
Broadcast Action: The local Bluetooth adapter has started the remote device discovery process. |
String |
Broadcast Action: The local Bluetooth adapter has changed its friendly Bluetooth name. |
String |
Activity Action: Show a system activity that requests discoverable mode. |
String |
Activity Action: Show a system activity that allows the user to turn on Bluetooth. |
String |
Broadcast Action: Indicates the Bluetooth scan mode of the local Adapter has changed. |
String |
Broadcast Action: The state of the local Bluetooth adapter has been changed. |
int |
Sentinel error value for this class. |
String |
Extra used by ACTION_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED This extra represents the current connection state. |
String |
Used as an optional int extra field in ACTION_REQUEST_DISCOVERABLE intents to request a specific duration for discoverability in seconds. |
String |
Used as a String extra field in ACTION_LOCAL_NAME_CHANGED intents to request the local Bluetooth name. |
String |
Extra used by ACTION_CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED This extra represents the previous connection state. |
String |
Used as an int extra field in ACTION_SCAN_MODE_CHANGED intents to request the previous scan mode. |
String |
Used as an int extra field in ACTION_STATE_CHANGED intents to request the previous power state. |
String |
Used as an int extra field in ACTION_SCAN_MODE_CHANGED intents to request the current scan mode. |
String |
Used as an int extra field in ACTION_STATE_CHANGED intents to request the current power state. |
int |
Indicates that inquiry scan is disabled,but page scan is enabled on the local Bluetooth adapter. |
int |
Indicates that both inquiry scan and page scan are enabled on the local Bluetooth adapter. |
int |
Indicates that both inquiry scan and page scan are disabled on the local Bluetooth adapter. |
int |
The profile is in connected state |
int |
The profile is in connecting state |
int |
The profile is in disconnected state |
int |
The profile is in disconnecting state |
int |
Indicates the local Bluetooth adapter is off. |
int |
Indicates the local Bluetooth adapter is on,and ready for use. |
int |
Indicates the local Bluetooth adapter is turning off. |
int |
Indicates the local Bluetooth adapter is turning on. |
BluetoothAdapter(藍牙適配器)Public Methods:
Class 屬性 |
參數 |
描述 |
cancelDiscovery() |
boolean |
Cancel the current device discovery process. |
checkBluetoothAddress(String address) |
static boolean |
Validate a String Bluetooth address,such as "00:43:A8:23:10:F0"
Alphabetic characters must be uppercase to be valid. |
closeProfileProxy(int profile,BluetoothProfile proxy) |
void |
Close the connection of the profile proxy to the Service. |
disable() |
boolean |
Turn off the local Bluetooth adapter—do not use without explicit user action to turn off Bluetooth. |
enable() |
boolean |
Turn on the local Bluetooth adapter—do not use without explicit user action to turn on Bluetooth. |
getAddress() |
String |
Returns the hardware address of the local Bluetooth adapter. |
getBluetoothLeAdvertiser() |
BluetoothLeAdvertiser |
Returns a BluetoothLeAdvertiser object for Bluetooth LE Advertising operations. |
getBluetoothLeScanner() |
BluetoothLeScanner |
Returns a BluetoothLeScanner object for Bluetooth LE scan operations. |
getBondedDevices() |
Set<BluetoothDevice> |
Return the set of BluetoothDevice objects that are bonded (paired) to the local adapter. |
getDefaultAdapter() |
static BluetoothAdapter |
This method was deprecated in API level 31。this method will continue to work,but developers are strongly encouraged to migrate to using BluetoothManager#getAdapter(),since that approach enables support for Context#createAttributionContext. |
getLeMaximumAdvertisingDataLength() |
int |
Return the maximum LE advertising data length in bytes,if LE Extended Advertising feature is supported,0 otherwise. |
getName() |
String |
Get the friendly Bluetooth name of the local Bluetooth adapter. |
getProfileConnectionState(int profile) |
int |
Get the current connection state of a profile. |
getProfileProxy(Context context, BluetoothProfile.ServiceListener listener, int profile) |
boolean |
Get the profile proxy object associated with the profile. |
getRemoteDevice(byte[] address) |
BluetoothDevice |
Get a BluetoothDevice object for the given Bluetooth hardware address. |
getRemoteDevice(String address) |
BluetoothDevice |
Get a BluetoothDevice object for the given Bluetooth hardware address. |
getScanMode() |
int |
Get the current Bluetooth scan mode of the local Bluetooth adapter. |
getState() |
int |
Get the current state of the local Bluetooth adapter. |
isDiscovering() |
boolean |
Return true if the local Bluetooth adapter is currently in the device discovery process. |
isEnabled() |
boolean |
Return true if Bluetooth is currently enabled and ready for use. |
isLe2MPhySupported() |
boolean |
Return true if LE 2M PHY feature is supported. |
isLeCodedPhySupported() |
boolean |
Return true if LE Coded PHY feature is supported. |
isLeExtendedAdvertisingSupported() |
boolean |
Return true if LE Extended Advertising feature is supported. |
isLePeriodicAdvertisingSupported() |
boolean |
Return true if LE Periodic Advertising feature is supported. |
isMultipleAdvertisementSupported() |
boolean |
Return true if the multi advertisement is supported by the chipset For apps targeting Build.VERSION_CODES#R or lower,this requires the Manifest.permission#BLUETOOTH permission which can be gained with a simple <uses-permission> manifest tag. |
isOffloadedFilteringSupported() |
boolean |
Return true if offloaded filters are supported For apps targeting Build.VERSION_CODES#R or lower,this requires the Manifest.permission#BLUETOOTH permission which can be gained with a simple <uses-permission> manifest tag. |
isOffloadedScanBatchingSupported() |
boolean |
Return true if offloaded scan batching is supported For apps targeting Build.VERSION_CODES#R or lower,this requires the Manifest.permission#BLUETOOTH permission which can be gained with a simple <uses-permission> manifest tag. |
listenUsingInsecureL2capChannel() |
BluetoothServerSocket |
Create an insecure L2CAP Connection-oriented Channel (CoC) BluetoothServerSocket and assign a dynamic PSM value. |
listenUsingInsecureRfcommWithServiceRecord(String name, UUID uuid) |
BluetoothServerSocket |
Create a listening,insecure RFCOMM Bluetooth socket with Service Record. |
listenUsingL2capChannel() |
BluetoothServerSocket |
Create a secure L2CAP Connection-oriented Channel (CoC) BluetoothServerSocket and assign a dynamic protocol/service multiplexer (PSM) value. |
listenUsingRfcommWithServiceRecord(String name, UUID uuid) |
BluetoothServerSocket |
Create a listening,secure RFCOMM Bluetooth socket with Service Record. |
setName(String name) |
boolean |
Set the friendly Bluetooth name of the local Bluetooth adapter. |
startDiscovery() |
boolean |
Start the remote device discovery process. |
startLeScan(UUID[] serviceUuids, BluetoothAdapter.LeScanCallback callback) |
boolean |
This method was deprecated in API level 21。use BluetoothLeScanner#startScan(List,ScanSettings,ScanCallback) instead. |
startLeScan(BluetoothAdapter.LeScanCallback callback) |
boolean |
This method was deprecated in API level 21。use BluetoothLeScanner#startScan(List,ScanSettings,ScanCallback) instead. |
stopLeScan(BluetoothAdapter.LeScanCallback callback) |
void |
This method was deprecated in API level 21。Use BluetoothLeScanner#stopScan(ScanCallback) instead. |
if (!mBluetoothAdapter.isEnabled()) { Intent enableBtIntent = new Intent(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE); startActivityForResult(enableBtIntent, REQUEST_ENABLE_BT); } |
※ BluetoothAdapter