2023年12月24日 星期日

Mircrosoft Windows 11 鍵盤的 Windows Key Shortcuts

Mircrosoft Windows 11 鍵盤的 Windows Key Shortcuts:

最近公司分派了 1台新電腦給筆者,新電腦是 1台 Intel i7 的手提電腦,當然操作系統和 Mircrosoft Office 是較新的版本,操作系統是 Windows 11 版本,Mircrosoft Office 是 365 版本,兩個常用的軟件對筆者來說都是比較陌生,很多新的功能都要從新學習!

Mircosoft Windows 11 鍵盤的 Windows Key
首先就是操作系統 Windows 11,在電腦的鍵盤 Ctrl 和 Alt 鍵之中間,有 Microsoft Windows 圖案鍵(Windows logo key),這個是 Windows 鍵(Windows key / WinKey),原來這個 Windows 鍵是微軟從 Windows 8 開開始已經使用。當按下Windows鍵加上其它的鍵,便會組合成不同快速鍵(Shortcuts),並提供不同的功能,非常方便。

Windows 11 的 Windows Key Shortcuts:

Key combination



Open or close the Windows Start menu

WinKey + A

Opens the Action Center

WinKey + B

Highlights the notification area

WinKey + C

Opens Windows Copilot.

WinKey + D

Toggles Show Desktop and the previous state

WinKey + E

Opens File Explorer in the Quick Access tab

WinKey + F

Opens the Microsoft Feedback hub

WinKey + G

Opens the Game Bar tools, for use during personal time

WinKey + H

Opens the Dictation toolbar.

WinKey + I

Opens the Settings

WinKey + K

Opens the Connect pane to connect to wireless displays and devices

WinKey + L

Locks the device

WinKey + M

Minimizes all open windows

WinKey + O

Locks the devices orientation on tablets and mobile devices

WinKey + P

Opens the Project pane

WinKey + Q

Opens Search

WinKey + R

Displays the run dialog box

WinKey + S

Opens Cortana in typing mode

WinKey + T

Cycles through the apps on the taskbar

WinKey + U

Opens the Ease of Access/Display Center to manage attached displays

WinKey + V

Pulls up the clipboard app to view things copied to it with Ctrl + C

WinKey + X

Pulls up the advanced, Secret Start menu

WinKey + Y

Switch input between Windows Mixed Reality and your desktop

WinKey + Z

Activates the command bar for Metro-style applications

WinKey + Space bar

Preview the desktop

WinKey + Home

Minimize all except the active desktop window (restores all windows on second stroke)

WinKey +

Zoom in

WinKey +

Zoom out

WinKey + ESC

Closed Magnifier Zoom

WinKey + ∕

Begin IME reconversion

WinKey + ← →

Takes the active window and adjusts it to fill the left or right side of the monitor it is displayed in

WinKey + ↑

Maximizes the active window

WinKey + ↓

Minimizes the active window

WinKey + PrtScr

Opens Snip & Sketch tool to capture screen selection and puts into clipboard

WinKey + Pause

Opens StartSettings→System→About

WinKey + .

Open the Emojis

WinKey + ,

Open the Workspace (temporality) (ends when you release the key)

WinKey + Tab

Open Task view

WinKey + Number

Open the 1st~ 9th app in taskbar

WinKey + Ctrl + C

Enables or disables the color filters

WinKey + Ctrl + D

Creates a new virtual desktop

WinKey + Ctrl + F

Search for PCs (if you are on a network)

WinKey + Ctrl + Q

Open Quick Assist

WinKey + Ctrl + Spacebar

Change to a previously selected input

WinKey + Ctrl + Enter

Turn on Narrator

WinKey + Ctrl + Number

Open the desktop and switch to the last active window of the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number

WinKey + Shift + C

Open the charms menu

WinKey + Shift + S

Opens Snip & Sketch tool to capture screen selection and puts into clipboard

WinKey + Shift + T

To iterate through items on the taskbar from right to left

WinKey + Shift + M

Restore minimized windows to the desktop

WinKey + Shift + V

Set focus to a notification

WinKey + Shift + Number

Open the desktop and start a new instance of the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number

WinKey + Shift + ← →

Moves the active window over to another display

WinKey + Shift +↑

Stretch the desktop window to the top and bottom of the screen

WinKey + Shift +↓

Restore/minimize active desktop windows vertically, maintaining width

WinKey + Alt + B

Turn HDR on or off

WinKey + Alt + K

Toggle microphone mute in apps that support Call Mute

WinKey + Alt + R

Record video of game window in focus (using Xbox Game Bar)

WinKey + Alt + Enter

Open taskbar settings

WinKey + Alt + Number

Open the desktop and open the Jump List for the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number

WinKey + Alt +↑

Snap window in focus to top half of screen

WinKey + Alt +↓

Snap window in focus to bottom half of screen

WinKey + Ctrl + Shift + B

Wake PC from blank or black screen

WinKey + Ctrl + Shift + Number

Open the desktop and open a new instance of the app located at the given position on the taskbar as an administrator

WinKey + Ctrl + Shift + Alt

Opens website https://www.office.com/?from=OfficeKey

WinKey + Ctrl + Shift + Alt + D

Opens OneDrive

WinKey + Ctrl + Shift + Alt + L

Opens website LinkedIn

WinKey + Ctrl + Shift + Alt + N

Opens OneNote

WinKey + Ctrl + Shift + Alt + O

Opens Outlook

WinKey + Ctrl + Shift + Alt + P

Opens PowerPoint

WinKey + Ctrl + Shift + Alt + T

Opens Teams

WinKey + Ctrl + Shift + Alt + W

Opens Word

WinKey + Ctrl + Shift + Alt + X

Opens Excel

2023年 12月 24日(Sun)天氣報告
氣溫:33.0°F / 1.0°C @ 07:00
風速:每小時 13公里
相對濕度:百分之 98%
※ Merry Christmas !