2012年6月15日 星期五

DIY - PIC:PIC18F4550 數字溫度計 – DS18B20 電路程式 (一百三十四)

DIY - PICPIC18F4550 數字溫度計 – DS18B20 電路程式  (一百三十四)

Microchip PIC18F4550 + DS18B20 數字溫度計電路程式,程式是利用 DS18B20 內置溫度處理電路18F4550 送出一個 T [44H] 轉換命令DS18B20 啟動溫度測量和 A-to-D 轉換轉換後溫度數據會存儲在 2-byte 的暫存器 (scratchpad memory) 內的溫度寄存器 (temperature register) DS18S20 返回到空閒狀態Master 會發出讀取時段(Read Time Slots) ,並將溫度資料接收,程式會讀取接收資料數據,然後在 LC1602 顯示屏顯示溫度。

PIC18F4550 + DS18B20 數字溫度計程式流程圖

void main(void)
    char LCD_name[] ="BWS DS18B20 2012";
    char LCD_name2[]="                ";
 int i;
 unsigned int timeout=0;
 char data;

        // Variables for Temperature
        unsigned short TempHL, TempH, TempL;
 char Buf[] ="                ";
 unsigned int Temp_whole, Temp_fraction, Temp_value;
        signed int  Temp_pinF, Temp_pinC;
        unsigned short C_Neg=0, F_Neg=0;
        char Temp_sign;

        //ADCON0 = 0x00;                      // Disable the AD converter
        //ADCON1 = 0x0F;                      // Set all ports to digital
        TRISA = 0b00000001;                // Setup RA0=Input RA1=Output
        TRISB = 0b00100000;                // Setup RB0=Input

        // Initialise LCD
        OpenXLCD(FOUR_BIT&LINES_5X7);                // Init the LCD Display
        WriteCmdXLCD(BLINK_OFF & CURSOR_OFF ); 
        stdout = _H_USER;               // Redirect I/O to LCD
        LcdSetLine1();                      // Put cursor on start of line 1
        putsXLCD(LCD_name);        // Display text


            LATAbits.LATA1 = 1;     // RA0=1 LED=ON Scope=1

                  if (reset_ow()==0){

            Delay10KTCYx(180);             // Delay:750ms 10,000x2x(4x0.05us)= 4ms


                TempL = read_byte_ow();               // Read LSB
                TempH = read_byte_ow();               // Read MSB

                Temp_value = (TempH << 8) + TempL;
                Temp_sign  = '+';
                C_Neg      = Temp_value & 0x8000;                         // Test MSB

                if (C_Neg) {                                                              // If Negative
                        Temp_value = (Temp_value ^ 0xFFFF) +1;      // 2's comp
                    Temp_sign = '-';                                                    // Sign = Negative

                Temp_pinC = (6 * Temp_value) + Temp_value/4;    // Multiple by 6.25
                Temp_whole    = Temp_pinC / 100;                         // Separate Digi & Fraction
                Temp_fraction = Temp_pinC % 100;                       // Fraction

                sprintf(Buf,"%04u.%02uC",Temp_whole,Temp_fraction);    // Put Temp into Buf
                Buf[0] = Temp_sign;                         // Buf0 = Sign
                LcdSetLine2();                                 // Put cursor on start of line 2
                putsXLCD(Buf);                                // Display Content

                } else {
                LcdSetLine2();                                 // Put cursor on start of line 2
                putsXLCD(LCD_name2);                 // Display Content

           LATAbits.LATA1 = 0;                     // RA0=0 LED=OFF Scope=50ms
           Delay10KTCYx(240);                   // 10,000 x 1 x (4 x 0.05us) = 2ms
                                                               // Scope = 2ms
        } // End While

18F4550 + DS18B20數字溫度計
LCD 1602 顯示溫度 +30.12
2012 6 15 天氣報告
氣溫:28.2 @ 22:20

